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Chalantika's Printmaking Workshop,
A Journey of Art, Awareness, and Action at :

Golaidanga Smriti College

What we did?

This week, Chalantika embarked on an inspiring journey at Golaidanga Muktijoddha Smriti College in Singir, Manikganj, and what an incredible experience it has been! Over the course of three days, we witnessed a transformation as young students, many of whom had never had the chance to explore any form of art unleashed their creativity and dove headfirst into the world of printmaking.

Day 1: The Magic of Discovery

The excitement was palpable from the moment we arrived on the first day. Eager, curious students filled the room, all ready to learn, explore, and create. For many of them, this was their first exposure to the arts, and the enthusiasm they brought to the workshop was truly heartwarming.

Despite being newcomers to the art scene, their openness and curiosity shone brightly. What followed was a day full of creative energy, where the students learned not just about art but about its power to create change. Through Chalantika’s mobile workshop, we explored how printmaking can be used as a tool to address critical issues, including environmental pollution.

Hand-Made Change: Transforming Pollution into Art

The central theme of the workshop was "Hand-Made Change", where students explored the five types of pollution—plastic, air, environmental, water, and noise pollution—through the medium of printmaking. Each student was encouraged to visualize these threats as five fingers of a hand, which when brought together, form a powerful fist symbolizing the strength of collective action.

With this visual metaphor in mind, the students got to work, transforming these environmental challenges into vibrant and thought-provoking works of art. By the end of the day, the workshop was buzzing with creativity, as the students came together to use art as a force for change.

Day 2: Enthusiasm Builds

As we kicked off the second day, the momentum only grew. More students joined in, inspired by the energy and creativity of their peers. The college was quickly becoming a hub of artistic expression, with printmaking at the center of it all.

The process of turning pollution into art became a powerful message for everyone involved, showing how even the smallest creative efforts can lead to greater awareness and understanding of the environmental challenges we face.


Day 3: The Grand Finale

By the final day, the transformation was complete. The students had not only learned the technical skills of printmaking but also embraced the deeper message of the workshop: hope is the cornerstone of success in addressing the climate crisis.

Their artwork reflected their newfound understanding of the importance of recycling, reusing, and reducing waste, as well as their commitment to protecting the environment. The workshop concluded with a sense of optimism and excitement for the future, as these young artists left with a renewed spirit of advocacy and action.

A New Generation of Environmental Advocates

As the workshop wrapped up, we were filled with pride and gratitude. The enthusiasm of the students and their ability to connect art with social and environmental issues showed us that a new generation of advocates is emerging—one that is ready to tackle the pressing challenges of our time with creativity, resilience, and hope.

At Shunno, we remain committed to organizing pedagogical events like this one that not only teach artistic skills but also encourage students to think critically about the world around them. With the support of our patrons, Chalantika continues its mission of spreading awareness and fostering change through art, one workshop at a time.

Together, we can turn the tide on pollution and build a better, more sustainable future. The students of Golaidanga Smriti College are living proof that when creativity meets purpose, anything is possible.

Creative Empowerment through Education: Chalantika is committed to raising awareness and educating people about the fine art of printmaking, providing hands-on experiences to deepen understanding and encourage self-expression.
Community Connection through Mobility: Chalantika values the power of mobility, using its traveling studio to connect diverse communities, bridge gaps between artists and the public, and spread the importance of art in life.
Art is for Everyone: Chalantika believes in making art accessible to all, regardless of background or profession, by bringing creative opportunities to overlooked communities and fostering inclusivity.

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Through these efforts, Chalantika aims to make art accessible to everyone and to create a ripple effect of positive change in society. Join us on our journey to inspire, educate, and transform through the power of creativity.